iTunes Strings

iTunes Strings

Il nuovo update di iTunes 7.0.1 è decisamente improntato verso il mondo dei mobile phone (iPhone o chi per lui). Presenta delle stringhe decisamente interessanti come la seguente:

“4301.022” = ” ^0 was not copied because the video format is not supported by the mobile phone ^1 .”; “4301.043” = “Are you sure you want to manually manage music and videos on your mobile phone? You will need to manually eject your mobile phone before it can be disconnected safely.”; “4301.045” = “Are you sure you do not want to manually manage music and videos on your mobile phone? All existing content on the mobile phone ^1 will be replaced with content from your iTunes library.”

Che ne pensate? Io ritengo che le premesse siano quasi certezze…e il tempo mi darà ragione…;)

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